Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Absolutely PR's Maggie Holben Shares Expert PR Perspective with Boulder Daily Camera

Maggie Holben provided expert PR perspective to Reporter Heath Urie in the March 19th article in the Boulder Daily Camera, "Feds: BCH wasn't told to withhold information about dirty needles."

In part she said: "Obviously there is a huge amount of liability in a situation like this, so PR people -- who are really the voice of the top management -- they are going to be very careful about what they say and what they do," said Holben, who is not involved in the Boulder case..."It would be common sense if something that serious was going on that you would get with your CEO and your legal person and say, 'woo hoo, this is potentially publicly embarrassing or a public health concern and we better figure out a response that is both in good conscience and legal.'"

Link to the article

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